Outlaws by Dnevnik Izobčenci ukinjenega dnevnikovega foruma
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Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 23:51 Prispevkov: 2651 Kraj: Lodainn an Iar
Objavljeno: 02 Apr 2007 20:23 Naslov sporočila: Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe, ups, cukr ... |
Ok vem da sem za cajtom (mladina na netu pride pozn) ...
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Množično izginotje čebel
In kaj to lahko pomeni za svetovno pridelavo hrane
Podatki številnih znanstvenih inštitutov in mednarodnih agencij, kot je Organizacija za prehrano in kmetijstvo pri OZN, opozarjajo, da človeštvo iz leta v leto pridela manj hrane. Situacija je alarmantna na globalni ravni: največkrat slišimo ali beremo predvsem o širitvah puščav, usihanju vodnih virov in o v vseh pogledih rekordnih vremenskih/podnebnih anomalijah, zdaj pa so naravovarstveni strokovnjaki v svet lansirali še srhljivo poročilo o množičnem
izginotju čebel v ZDA, Španiji in na Poljskem. |
Ker je, kot vemo, mladina troblja najbolj mracnjaskih laznjivih sil, ki se oglasajo iz smetisca zgodovine, sem vklopu skepso tko na medium pa se zavihtel na good ol' gugl:
Without a trace, something is causing bees to vanish by the thousands. But a new task force hopes to finger the culprit and save the valuable crops that rely on the insects.
Scientists looking into a mysterious ailment killing off honeybees are hoping to find answers out West, where bees are currently helping pollinate California's profitable almond crop.
A nation-wide honeybee crisis is under way in the United States. Lately bees have begun to rapidly disappear in 24 states across the country. For reasons unknown, bees are flying off in search of nectar and pollen and simply never returning to their colonies. The bee losses are reportedly ranging from 30 to 60 percent on the West Coast. The situation is even worse on the East Coast and Texas where beekeepers have reported losses of more than 70 percent.
Beekeepers in 24 states across America are encountering a strange phenomenon: bees—which seemed to be healthy days earlier—are abandoning their hives. Millions of these insects have been reported lost, with no trace of where the colonies may have gone, and no apparent cause for their disappearance. In a few other cases, whole colonies have been found dead in their hives.
Albert Einstein speculated that "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left."
Species under threat: Honey, who shrunk the bee population?
Across America, millions of honey bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die, leaving beekeepers facing ruin and US agriculture under threat. And to date, no one knows why.
... Now in Spain, hundreds of thousands of colonies have been lost and beekeepers in northern Croatia estimated that five million bees had died in just 48 hours this week. In Poland, the Swietokrzyskie beekeeper association has estimated that up to 40 per cent of bees were wiped out last year. Greece, Switzerland, Italy and Portugal have also reported heavy losses.
Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
A mysterious decimation of bee populations has German beekeepers worried, while a similar phenomenon in the United States is gradually assuming catastrophic proportions. The consequences for agriculture and the economy could be enormous.
Se prav da so tko avtorji apokalipse kot celo douglas adams falil v nulo ... ne kristjani, ne delfini ne bodo sli prvi v nebesa... pac pa najbolj marljiva bitjeca na tej zamljici!
IK, serious, kot ponavadi je rdece trobilo der spiegel po moje se najblizje - nekak na vod cutm, da se z bozjimi kodami ni za hecat ... in da ce so mozakarji iz atlantide na kaj mislil s tistim jabolkom, s katerim ga raju ni za srat, so zihr mel v mislih genetiko.
Dobr, spet se slis kot ena dzizasfrikarska histerija ala GM-teroristi-peakoil-raptureisneigh, ampak je pa treba priznat, da ie novicka rahlo "nelagodna" ... _________________ Ta tekst namerno ne obstaja. |
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