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Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 18:21
Prispevkov: 7222

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Dec 2008 17:18    Naslov sporočila: Kaj pravi češki predsednik... Odgovori s citatom

http://www.finance.si/231796/Economist_Klaus_ozna%E8il_slovensko_predsedovanje_EU_za_farso --- withstupid
The US has the best government money can buy
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Pridružen/-a: 18.03. 2008, 20:14
Prispevkov: 4154

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Dec 2008 17:40    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Mah ne vem .. najprej, od kdaj hudica pomeni "charade" burka ali farsa? In, bomo vidl svejke, kako bojo oni fural .. ce se ne motim, so oni svojo rit ze zdavnaj prodal nemciji & co ...
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Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 18:21
Prispevkov: 7222

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Dec 2008 17:44    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

enzrovt je napisal/a:
Mah ne vem .. najprej, od kdaj hudica pomeni "charade" burka ali farsa? In, bomo vidl svejke, kako bojo oni fural .. ce se ne motim, so oni svojo rit ze zdavnaj prodal nemciji & co ...
hihihi -- ne bit hud no... Jest mislm, da je Klaus mislil molj nasplošno -- saj veš -- tavelki diktirajo, tamali majo, pa da ubogajo vključno s Češko... Dancing
The US has the best government money can buy
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 19:20
Prispevkov: 2810

PrispevekObjavljeno: 07 Dec 2008 16:04    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ma, Čehi! Kako si drznejo ! Angel

Sicer pa veš kaj pravijo o Čehih. Stoji František sredi Prage in razlaga:
mi Česi se ne bojime, mi Česi si ne pustime na hlavo srat, mi odpreme usta.

Kako potem lahko njihov reprezentant lahko serje po nas. Dancing
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Pridružen/-a: 14.11. 2006, 13:17
Prispevkov: 276

PrispevekObjavljeno: 07 Dec 2008 20:41    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ženske pa politika....

Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
mala malca

Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 04:56
Prispevkov: 17767

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Dec 2008 02:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Blaz je napisal/a:
Ženske pa politika....


no,sej niso sam ženske in politika....

tole obnašanje evroposrancev je pod vsako kritiko..pohlemo kako je prevedel gugl..

Boo hoo!

Srečanje med Václav Klaus, predsednik Češke republike, in člani Konference predsednikov Evropskega parlamenta, v petek 5. december 2008, Prague Castle


Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP : I brought you a flag, which - as we heard - you have everywhere here at the Prague Castle. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Prinesel sem ti zastave, ki je - kot smo slišali - tukaj imate povsod na praškem gradu. It is the flag of the European Union, so I will place it here in front of you. To je zastava Evropske unije, tako da bom mesto je tukaj pred vami.

It will be a tough Presidency. Se bo žilava predsedstva. The Czech Republic will have to deal with the work directive and climate package. Češka republika bo morala ukvarjati z delom direktive in podnebne paket. EU climate package represents less than what our fraction would wish for. EU o podnebnih paket predstavlja manj kot tisto, kar naše frakcija bi želel za. It will be necessary to hold on to the minimum of that. To zadevo bo treba imeti na minimum, da. I am certain that the climate change represents not only a risk, but also a danger for the future development of the planet. Sem prepričana, da podnebne spremembe ne predstavlja samo tveganje, temveč tudi nevarnost za prihodnji razvoj planeta. My view is based on scientific views and majority approval of the EP and I know you disagree with me. Menim, da je na podlagi znanstvenih mnenj in večino odobritev Evropskemu parlamentu in Vem, da se ne strinjate z mano. You can believe what you want, I don’t believe, I know that global warming is a reality. Lahko verjameš, kar hočeš, ne verjamem, vem, da globalno segrevanje je realnost.

Lisbon Treaty: I don’t care about your opinions on it. Lizbonska pogodba: Ne skrbi za vaše mnenje o tem. I want to know what you are going to do if the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approve it. Hočem vedeti, kaj bo naredil, če Češke zbornica in senat ga potrdi. Will you respect the will of the representatives of the people? Boste spoštovanje volje predstavnikov ljudstva? You will have to sign it…. Imeli boste, da ga podpiše ....

I want you to explain to me what is the level of your friendship with Mr Ganley from Ireland. Hočem, da mi razložiš, kaj je na ravni vaše prijateljstvo z g. Ganley iz Irske. How can you meet a person whose funding is unclear? Kako lahko izpolnijo osebe, katerih financiranje ni jasno? You are not supposed to meet him in your function. Niste naj bi ga spoznal v svojem funkcijo. It is a man whose finances come from problematic sources and he wants to use them to be funding his election campaign into the EP. To je človek, financ, katerih prihajajo iz težavnih virov in jih želi uporabljati, da se njegovo financiranje volilne kampanje v Evropskem parlamentu.

President Václav Klaus : I must say that nobody has talked to me in such a style and tone for the past 6 years. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Moram reči, da nihče ni govoril z mano na tak stil in ton za zadnjih 6 let. You are not on the barricades in Paris here. Trenutno niso na barikade v Parizu tukaj. I thought that these manners ended for us 18 years ago but I see I was wrong. Mislil sem, da so ti manire je končalo za nas 18 leti, ampak vidim, motil sem se. I would not dare to ask how the activities of the Greens are funded. Jaz ne bi upal vprašati, kako dejavnosti Zelenih se financirajo. If you are concerned about a rational discussion in this half an hour, which we have, please give the floor to someone else, Mr Chairman. Če ste zaskrbljeni zaradi racionalne razprave v tej pol ure, ki smo jih, prosimo, da besedo nekdo drug, gospod predsednik.

EU Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering : No, we have plenty of time. Predsednik EU parlamenta Hans-Gert Pöttering: Ne, imamo veliko časa. My colleague will continue, because anyone from the members of the EP can ask you whatever he likes. Moj kolega se bo nadaljevalo, saj nikomur od članov Evropskega parlamenta lahko od vas zahtevati, karkoli ima rad. (to Cohn-Bendit:) Please continue. (k Cohn-Bendit:) Prosim nadaljujte.

President Václav Klaus : This is incredible. Predsednik Václav Klaus: To je neverjetno. I have never experienced anything like this before. I, ki nikoli niso imele česa podobnega.

Daniel Cohn-Bendi t: Because you have not experienced me.. Daniel Cohn-Bendi t: Ker niste doživeli mi ..

President Václav Klaus : This is incredible. Predsednik Václav Klaus: To je neverjetno.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP : We have always had good talks with President Havel. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: smo vedno imeli dober pogovorov s predsednikom Havel. And what will you tell me about your attitude towards the anti-discrimination law? In kaj bo, da mi poveš o svojem odnosu do protidiskriminacijsko zakonodajo? I will gladly inform you about our funding. Jaz bom z veseljem vas obvestim o našem financiranja.

Hans-Gert Pöttering : Brian Crowley, please. Hans-Gert Pöttering: Brian Crowley, prosim.

Brian Crowley MEP : I am from Ireland and I am a member of a party in government. Brian Crowley, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Jaz sem iz Irske in sem član ene od strank v vladi. All his life my father fought against the British domination. Vse svoje življenje moj oče se je boril proti British nadvlado. Many of my relatives lost their lives. Mnogi moji sorodniki so izgubili življenje. That is why I dare to say that the Irish wish for the Lisbon Treaty. To je razlog, zakaj sem si drzneš reči, da ga želijo za Lizbonsko pogodbo. It was an insult, Mr. President, to me and to the Irish people what you said during your state visit to Ireland. To je žalitev, gospod predsednik, z mano in ga za ljudi, kaj si rekel v vašem stanju obisk na Irsko. It was an insult that you met Declan Ganley, a man with no elected mandate. To je žalitev, da si srečal Declan Ganley, človek brez mandat. This man has not proven the sources from which his campaign was funded. Ta človek ni dokazano virov, iz katerih je bilo financiranih svojo akcijo. I just want to inform you what the Irish felt. Samo hočem, da vas lahko obvestim, kaj ga čutila. I wish you that you get the programme of your Presidency through and you will get through what European citizens want to see. Želim vam, da vam program vašega predsedstva in s pomočjo boste dobili preko evropskih državljanov, kar želiš videti.

President Václav Klaus : Thank you for this experience which I gained from this meeting. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Hvala za te izkušnje, ki sem ga pridobil iz tega srečanja. I did not think anything like this is possible and have not experienced anything like this for the past 19 years. Jaz didnt 'pretehtati kaj podobnega je to možno in niso doživeli kaj takega v zadnjih 19 letih. I thought it was a matter of the past that we live in democracy, but it is post-democracy, really, which rules the EU. Mislil sem, da je stvar preteklosti, da živimo v demokraciji, vendar je po-demokracija, res, kateri predpisi EU.

You mentioned the European values. Omenili ste evropske vrednote. The most important value is freedom and democracy. Najpomembnejša je vrednost svobode in demokracije. The citizens of the EU member states are concerned about freedom and democracy, above all. Državljanom držav članic EU, so zaskrbljeni zaradi svobode in demokracije, kar je nad vsem. But democracy and freedom are losing ground in the EU today. Demokracije in svobode, vendar se izgublja tla pod nogami v EU danes. It is necessary to strive for them and fight for them. Je treba prizadevati si zanje ter bojem za njih.

I would like to emphasize, above all, what most citizens of the Czech Republic feel, that for us the EU membership has no alternative. Želel bi poudariti, kar je nad vsem, kar večina državljanov Republike Češke meni, da je za nas na članstvo v EU nima alternative. It was me who submitted the EU application in the year 1996 and who signed the Accession treaty in 2003. To sem bil jaz EU, ki so pravočasno predložili prijave v letu 1996 in ki so podpisale Pristopno pogodbo iz leta 2003. But the arrangements within the EU have many alternatives. Vendar se dogovori znotraj EU so mnogo alternativ. To take one of them as sacrosanct, untouchable, about which it is not possible to doubt or criticize it, is against the very nature of Europe. Za sprejem enega od njih, kakor je nedotakljiva, nedotakljivega, o katerih ni možno, da se lahko dvomi, ali je kritizirala, je v nasprotju z bistvom Evrope.

As for the Lisbon Treaty, I would like to mention that it is not ratified in Germany either. Kar zadeva Lizbonsko pogodbo, bi rada omenila, da je niso ratificirale, bodisi v Nemčiji. The Constitutional Treaty, which was basically the same as the Lisbon Treaty, was refused in referendums in other two countries. Ustavna pogodba, ki je bil v bistvu enak kot je Lizbonska pogodba, je bila zavrnjena na referendumih v drugih dveh državah. If Mr. Crowley speaks of an insult to the Irish people, then I must say that the biggest insult to the Irish people is not to accept the result of the Irish referendum. Če g. Crowley govori o žaljivka za Irci, potem pa moram reči, da je največja žalitev za ljudi, ga je, da ne sprejmejo rezultat irskega referenduma. In Ireland I met somebody who represents a majority in his country. Na Irskem sem srečal nekoga, ki predstavlja večino v svoji državi. You, Mr. Crowley, represent a view which is in minority in Ireland. Vi, gospod Crowley, zastopa stališče, ki je v manjšini na Irskem. That is a tangible result of the referendum. To je otipljiv rezultat referenduma.

Brian Crowley MEP : With all respect, Mr. President, you will not tell me what the Irish think. Brian Crowley, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Z vsem spoštovanju, gospod predsednik, ne boš mi povej, kaj misliš ga. As an Irishman, I know it best. Kot Irec, vem da je najboljše.

President Václav Klaus : I do not speculate about what the Irish think. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Ne Razmišljati o tem, kaj ga misliš. I state the only measurable data which were proved by the referendum. I navede samo merljivimi podatki, ki so se izkazali z referendumom.

In our country the Lisbon Treaty is not ratified because our parliament has not decided on it yet. V naši državi je Lizbonska pogodba ni ratificirana, ker je naš parlament ne odloči o njem še ni. It is not the President’s fault. Ni predsednika kriv. Let’s wait for the decision of both Chambers of the Parliament, that is the current phase of the ratification process in which the President plays no role whatsoever. Lets' čakati na odločitev obeh senatov Parlament, da je sedanji fazi postopka ratifikacije, v kateri je predsednik igra nobene vloge kaj. I cannot sign the Treaty today, it is not on my table, it is up to the parliament to decide about it now. Jaz ne morejo podpisati pogodbe danes ni na moji mizi, da je do parlamenta, ki odloča o tem zdaj. My role will come after the eventual approval of the Treaty in the Parliament… Moja vloga bo po morebitni odobritvi te pogodbe v parlamentu ...

Hans-Gert Pöttering : … In the conclusion - and I want to leave this room in good terms - I would like to say that it is more than unacceptable, if you compare us, compare us with the Soviet Union. Hans-Gert Pöttering: ... V zaključku - in želim, da zapusti ta prostor, v dobrem smislu - Rad bi rekel, da je več kot nesprejemljiva, če jo primerjamo nami, nas primerjajo s Sovjetsko zvezo. We are all deeply rooted in our countries and our constituencies. Vsi smo globoko zakoreninjena v naših državah, in naše interesne skupine. We are concerned about freedom and reconciliation in Europe, we are good willing, not naive. Mi smo zaskrbljeni zaradi svobode in spravo v Evropi, smo dobro pripravljeni, ne naiven.

President Václav Klaus : I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word “Soviet Union”. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Nisem vas primerjajo s Sovjetsko zvezo, nisem omenil besede "Sovjetska zveza". I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really. Sem samo rekel, da sem zaradi tega nimajo izkušenj s takšno ozračje, kot slog razprave v zadnjih 19 letih v Češki republiki, res.

hehehe...tud skopirat se ne da kot se spodobi,tolk sramote je v eu...

klausu pa klobuk dol!

petering ,podtikovalec besed,sram naj ga bo!

priporočam resen razmislek o izstpu iz eu...
Hja,prjatu,če bi ti jaz povedu kako je v Rusiji ,bi bil ti na drugi strani,bi bili naš sovražnik,te sedaj ne bi bilo...

Ivan Maček - Matija
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 14.11. 2006, 10:13
Prispevkov: 4904

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Dec 2008 08:02    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

mala malca je napisal/a:
Blaz je napisal/a:
Ženske pa politika....


no,sej niso sam ženske in politika....

tole obnašanje evroposrancev je pod vsako kritiko..pohlemo kako je prevedel gugl..

Boo hoo!

Srečanje med Václav Klaus, predsednik Češke republike, in člani Konference predsednikov Evropskega parlamenta, v petek 5. december 2008, Prague Castle


Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP : I brought you a flag, which - as we heard - you have everywhere here at the Prague Castle. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Prinesel sem ti zastave, ki je - kot smo slišali - tukaj imate povsod na praškem gradu. It is the flag of the European Union, so I will place it here in front of you. To je zastava Evropske unije, tako da bom mesto je tukaj pred vami.

It will be a tough Presidency. Se bo žilava predsedstva. The Czech Republic will have to deal with the work directive and climate package. Češka republika bo morala ukvarjati z delom direktive in podnebne paket. EU climate package represents less than what our fraction would wish for. EU o podnebnih paket predstavlja manj kot tisto, kar naše frakcija bi želel za. It will be necessary to hold on to the minimum of that. To zadevo bo treba imeti na minimum, da. I am certain that the climate change represents not only a risk, but also a danger for the future development of the planet. Sem prepričana, da podnebne spremembe ne predstavlja samo tveganje, temveč tudi nevarnost za prihodnji razvoj planeta. My view is based on scientific views and majority approval of the EP and I know you disagree with me. Menim, da je na podlagi znanstvenih mnenj in večino odobritev Evropskemu parlamentu in Vem, da se ne strinjate z mano. You can believe what you want, I don’t believe, I know that global warming is a reality. Lahko verjameš, kar hočeš, ne verjamem, vem, da globalno segrevanje je realnost.

Lisbon Treaty: I don’t care about your opinions on it. Lizbonska pogodba: Ne skrbi za vaše mnenje o tem. I want to know what you are going to do if the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approve it. Hočem vedeti, kaj bo naredil, če Češke zbornica in senat ga potrdi. Will you respect the will of the representatives of the people? Boste spoštovanje volje predstavnikov ljudstva? You will have to sign it…. Imeli boste, da ga podpiše ....

I want you to explain to me what is the level of your friendship with Mr Ganley from Ireland. Hočem, da mi razložiš, kaj je na ravni vaše prijateljstvo z g. Ganley iz Irske. How can you meet a person whose funding is unclear? Kako lahko izpolnijo osebe, katerih financiranje ni jasno? You are not supposed to meet him in your function. Niste naj bi ga spoznal v svojem funkcijo. It is a man whose finances come from problematic sources and he wants to use them to be funding his election campaign into the EP. To je človek, financ, katerih prihajajo iz težavnih virov in jih želi uporabljati, da se njegovo financiranje volilne kampanje v Evropskem parlamentu.

President Václav Klaus : I must say that nobody has talked to me in such a style and tone for the past 6 years. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Moram reči, da nihče ni govoril z mano na tak stil in ton za zadnjih 6 let. You are not on the barricades in Paris here. Trenutno niso na barikade v Parizu tukaj. I thought that these manners ended for us 18 years ago but I see I was wrong. Mislil sem, da so ti manire je končalo za nas 18 leti, ampak vidim, motil sem se. I would not dare to ask how the activities of the Greens are funded. Jaz ne bi upal vprašati, kako dejavnosti Zelenih se financirajo. If you are concerned about a rational discussion in this half an hour, which we have, please give the floor to someone else, Mr Chairman. Če ste zaskrbljeni zaradi racionalne razprave v tej pol ure, ki smo jih, prosimo, da besedo nekdo drug, gospod predsednik.

EU Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering : No, we have plenty of time. Predsednik EU parlamenta Hans-Gert Pöttering: Ne, imamo veliko časa. My colleague will continue, because anyone from the members of the EP can ask you whatever he likes. Moj kolega se bo nadaljevalo, saj nikomur od članov Evropskega parlamenta lahko od vas zahtevati, karkoli ima rad. (to Cohn-Bendit:) Please continue. (k Cohn-Bendit:) Prosim nadaljujte.

President Václav Klaus : This is incredible. Predsednik Václav Klaus: To je neverjetno. I have never experienced anything like this before. I, ki nikoli niso imele česa podobnega.

Daniel Cohn-Bendi t: Because you have not experienced me.. Daniel Cohn-Bendi t: Ker niste doživeli mi ..

President Václav Klaus : This is incredible. Predsednik Václav Klaus: To je neverjetno.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP : We have always had good talks with President Havel. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: smo vedno imeli dober pogovorov s predsednikom Havel. And what will you tell me about your attitude towards the anti-discrimination law? In kaj bo, da mi poveš o svojem odnosu do protidiskriminacijsko zakonodajo? I will gladly inform you about our funding. Jaz bom z veseljem vas obvestim o našem financiranja.

Hans-Gert Pöttering : Brian Crowley, please. Hans-Gert Pöttering: Brian Crowley, prosim.

Brian Crowley MEP : I am from Ireland and I am a member of a party in government. Brian Crowley, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Jaz sem iz Irske in sem član ene od strank v vladi. All his life my father fought against the British domination. Vse svoje življenje moj oče se je boril proti British nadvlado. Many of my relatives lost their lives. Mnogi moji sorodniki so izgubili življenje. That is why I dare to say that the Irish wish for the Lisbon Treaty. To je razlog, zakaj sem si drzneš reči, da ga želijo za Lizbonsko pogodbo. It was an insult, Mr. President, to me and to the Irish people what you said during your state visit to Ireland. To je žalitev, gospod predsednik, z mano in ga za ljudi, kaj si rekel v vašem stanju obisk na Irsko. It was an insult that you met Declan Ganley, a man with no elected mandate. To je žalitev, da si srečal Declan Ganley, človek brez mandat. This man has not proven the sources from which his campaign was funded. Ta človek ni dokazano virov, iz katerih je bilo financiranih svojo akcijo. I just want to inform you what the Irish felt. Samo hočem, da vas lahko obvestim, kaj ga čutila. I wish you that you get the programme of your Presidency through and you will get through what European citizens want to see. Želim vam, da vam program vašega predsedstva in s pomočjo boste dobili preko evropskih državljanov, kar želiš videti.

President Václav Klaus : Thank you for this experience which I gained from this meeting. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Hvala za te izkušnje, ki sem ga pridobil iz tega srečanja. I did not think anything like this is possible and have not experienced anything like this for the past 19 years. Jaz didnt 'pretehtati kaj podobnega je to možno in niso doživeli kaj takega v zadnjih 19 letih. I thought it was a matter of the past that we live in democracy, but it is post-democracy, really, which rules the EU. Mislil sem, da je stvar preteklosti, da živimo v demokraciji, vendar je po-demokracija, res, kateri predpisi EU.

You mentioned the European values. Omenili ste evropske vrednote. The most important value is freedom and democracy. Najpomembnejša je vrednost svobode in demokracije. The citizens of the EU member states are concerned about freedom and democracy, above all. Državljanom držav članic EU, so zaskrbljeni zaradi svobode in demokracije, kar je nad vsem. But democracy and freedom are losing ground in the EU today. Demokracije in svobode, vendar se izgublja tla pod nogami v EU danes. It is necessary to strive for them and fight for them. Je treba prizadevati si zanje ter bojem za njih.

I would like to emphasize, above all, what most citizens of the Czech Republic feel, that for us the EU membership has no alternative. Želel bi poudariti, kar je nad vsem, kar večina državljanov Republike Češke meni, da je za nas na članstvo v EU nima alternative. It was me who submitted the EU application in the year 1996 and who signed the Accession treaty in 2003. To sem bil jaz EU, ki so pravočasno predložili prijave v letu 1996 in ki so podpisale Pristopno pogodbo iz leta 2003. But the arrangements within the EU have many alternatives. Vendar se dogovori znotraj EU so mnogo alternativ. To take one of them as sacrosanct, untouchable, about which it is not possible to doubt or criticize it, is against the very nature of Europe. Za sprejem enega od njih, kakor je nedotakljiva, nedotakljivega, o katerih ni možno, da se lahko dvomi, ali je kritizirala, je v nasprotju z bistvom Evrope.

As for the Lisbon Treaty, I would like to mention that it is not ratified in Germany either. Kar zadeva Lizbonsko pogodbo, bi rada omenila, da je niso ratificirale, bodisi v Nemčiji. The Constitutional Treaty, which was basically the same as the Lisbon Treaty, was refused in referendums in other two countries. Ustavna pogodba, ki je bil v bistvu enak kot je Lizbonska pogodba, je bila zavrnjena na referendumih v drugih dveh državah. If Mr. Crowley speaks of an insult to the Irish people, then I must say that the biggest insult to the Irish people is not to accept the result of the Irish referendum. Če g. Crowley govori o žaljivka za Irci, potem pa moram reči, da je največja žalitev za ljudi, ga je, da ne sprejmejo rezultat irskega referenduma. In Ireland I met somebody who represents a majority in his country. Na Irskem sem srečal nekoga, ki predstavlja večino v svoji državi. You, Mr. Crowley, represent a view which is in minority in Ireland. Vi, gospod Crowley, zastopa stališče, ki je v manjšini na Irskem. That is a tangible result of the referendum. To je otipljiv rezultat referenduma.

Brian Crowley MEP : With all respect, Mr. President, you will not tell me what the Irish think. Brian Crowley, poslanka Evropskega parlamenta: Z vsem spoštovanju, gospod predsednik, ne boš mi povej, kaj misliš ga. As an Irishman, I know it best. Kot Irec, vem da je najboljše.

President Václav Klaus : I do not speculate about what the Irish think. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Ne Razmišljati o tem, kaj ga misliš. I state the only measurable data which were proved by the referendum. I navede samo merljivimi podatki, ki so se izkazali z referendumom.

In our country the Lisbon Treaty is not ratified because our parliament has not decided on it yet. V naši državi je Lizbonska pogodba ni ratificirana, ker je naš parlament ne odloči o njem še ni. It is not the President’s fault. Ni predsednika kriv. Let’s wait for the decision of both Chambers of the Parliament, that is the current phase of the ratification process in which the President plays no role whatsoever. Lets' čakati na odločitev obeh senatov Parlament, da je sedanji fazi postopka ratifikacije, v kateri je predsednik igra nobene vloge kaj. I cannot sign the Treaty today, it is not on my table, it is up to the parliament to decide about it now. Jaz ne morejo podpisati pogodbe danes ni na moji mizi, da je do parlamenta, ki odloča o tem zdaj. My role will come after the eventual approval of the Treaty in the Parliament… Moja vloga bo po morebitni odobritvi te pogodbe v parlamentu ...

Hans-Gert Pöttering : … In the conclusion - and I want to leave this room in good terms - I would like to say that it is more than unacceptable, if you compare us, compare us with the Soviet Union. Hans-Gert Pöttering: ... V zaključku - in želim, da zapusti ta prostor, v dobrem smislu - Rad bi rekel, da je več kot nesprejemljiva, če jo primerjamo nami, nas primerjajo s Sovjetsko zvezo. We are all deeply rooted in our countries and our constituencies. Vsi smo globoko zakoreninjena v naših državah, in naše interesne skupine. We are concerned about freedom and reconciliation in Europe, we are good willing, not naive. Mi smo zaskrbljeni zaradi svobode in spravo v Evropi, smo dobro pripravljeni, ne naiven.

President Václav Klaus : I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word “Soviet Union”. Predsednik Václav Klaus: Nisem vas primerjajo s Sovjetsko zvezo, nisem omenil besede "Sovjetska zveza". I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really. Sem samo rekel, da sem zaradi tega nimajo izkušenj s takšno ozračje, kot slog razprave v zadnjih 19 letih v Češki republiki, res.

hehehe...tud skopirat se ne da kot se spodobi,tolk sramote je v eu...

klausu pa klobuk dol!

petering ,podtikovalec besed,sram naj ga bo!

priporočam resen razmislek o izstpu iz eu...

Fantje vzemite tehtnico in naložite na eno stran "+" in "-" in se odločite po tem katera stran bo nagnila tehtnico.
Edina država, ki je vstopila in izstopila iz EU je Island. Pa poglejte kako se jim danes v recesiji kolca po članstvu. Države, ki niso vstopile v EURO območje že razmišljajo, da so naredile napako.
Kot vse na svetu ni enoznačno oziroma črno ali belo, je enako s članstvom v EU in se bo treba sprijazniti tudi s sivimi niansami!
Kar pa se evro-birokratov tiče, so pač birokrati in še politiki povrhu in grem stavit, da jih še danes vsaj 70% ne razlikuje Slovenije od Slovaške, mi pa na trepalnice in v akcijo za izstop!?
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Pridružen/-a: 06.12. 2006, 00:01
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Dec 2008 10:21    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Klaus je pač euroskeptik in je v bistvu hotel povedati svojim rojakom, naj od predsedovanja Češke EU ne pričakujejo preveč, češ, tudi nam bodo komandirali taveliki, tako kot so Sloveniji.
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