Outlaws by Dnevnik Izobčenci ukinjenega dnevnikovega foruma
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Pridružen/-a: 18.03. 2008, 20:14 Prispevkov: 4154
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 01:12 Naslov sporočila: Google Jobs - vprasanja |
V dnevniku sem naletel na clanek, ki govori o norih vprasanjh, ki jih dobivajo kandidati zazaposlitev na razgovorih za sluzbo pri googleu. Mal sem sel brskat po netu in nasel kar nekaj vprasanj. Nekatera so zanimiva, druga duhovita, tretja ubozjumater zajebana ... predlagam, za za rekreacijo (da se ne bomo skoz nazigal) poiscemo ogovore vsaj na kaka duhovita/cudna/zajebana vprasanja:
01 A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?
02 Anywhere in the world, where would you open up a new Google office and how would you figure out compensation for all the employees at this new office?
03 Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco.
04 Estimate the number of students who are college seniors, attend four-year schools, and graduate with a job in the United States every year.
05 Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens?
06 Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew.
07 Explain the significance of "dead beef".
08 Find the maximum rectangle (in terms of area) under a histogram in linear time.
09 Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it's only strong enough to support two people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10 minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?
10 Given a set of coin denominators, find the minimum number of coins to give a certain amount of change.
11 Given an array of integers which is circularly sorted, how do you find a given integer.
12 Given an array of numbers, replace each number with the product of all the numbers in the array except the number itself *without* using division.
13 How long it would take to sort 1 trillion numbers? Come up with a good estimate.
14 How many degrees are there in the angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock when the time is a quarter past three?
15 How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?
16 How many lines can be drawn in a 2D plane such that they are equidistant from 3 non-collinear points?
17 How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?
18 How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?
19 How many vacuum’s are made per year in USA?
20 How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?
21 How would you find out if a machine’s stack grows up or down in memory?
22 If a person dials a sequence of numbers on the telephone, what possible words/strings can be formed from the letters associated with those numbers?
23 If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is 0.95, what is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default probability)?
24 If there is only one elevator in the building, how would you change the design? How about if there are only two elevators in the building?
25 If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)
26 Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?
27 In a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they have another child. If they have a boy, they stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?
28 Say an advertiser makes $0.10 every time someone clicks on their ad. Only 20% of people who visit the site click on their ad. How many people need to visit the site for the advertiser to make $20?
29 Suppose you have given N companies, and we want to eventually merge them into one big company. How many ways are theres to merge?
30 There is an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to multiplication of all the elements of A[N] except A[i]. For example Output[0] will be multiplication of A[1] to A[N-1] and Output[1] will be multiplication of A[0] and from A[2] to A[N-1]. Solve it without division operator and in O(n).
31 What is the most efficient way to sort a million integers?
32 What is the probability of breaking a stick into 3 pieces and forming a triangle?
33 What kind of data structure would you use to index annagrams of words? e.g. if there exists the word "top" in the database, the query for "pot" should list that.
34 What's 2 to the power of 64?
35 Why are manhole covers round?
36 Write some code to reverse a string.
37 You are at a party with a friend and 10 people are present including you and the friend. your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have the same birthday as you, he gets $2. would you accept the wager?
38 You are given 2 eggs. You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process.
39 You are given a list of numbers. When you reach the end of the list you will come back to the beginning of the list (a circular list). Write the most efficient algorithm to find the minimum # in this list. Find any given # in the list. The numbers in the list are always increasing but you don’t know where the circular list begins, ie: 38, 40, 55, 89, 6, 13, 20, 23, 36.
40 You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally reduced so as to maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?
41 You have a stream of infinite queries (ie: real time Google search queries that people are entering). Describe how you would go about finding a good estimate of 1000 samples from this never ending set of data and then write code for it.
42 You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you fine the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?
43 You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order. The top pirate has the right to propose how 100 gold coins should be divided among them. But the others get to vote on his plan, and if fewer than half agree with him, he gets killed. How should he allocate the gold in order to maximize his share but live to enjoy it? (Hint: One pirate ends up with 98 percent of the gold.)
44 You have to get from point A to point B. You don’t know if you can get there. What would you do?
45 You need to check that your friend, Bob, has your correct phone number, but you cannot ask him directly. You must write a the question on a card which and give it to Eve who will take the card to Bob and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure Bob can encode the message so that Eve cannot read your phone number?
46 You're the captain of a pirate ship, and your crew gets to vote on how the gold is divided up. If fewer than half of the pirates agree with you, you die. How do you recommend apportioning the gold in such a way that you get a good share of the booty, but still survive?
gentlemen (and ladies), good hunt! _________________ a fact of life: after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ... |
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Pridružen/-a: 10.11. 2006, 18:49 Prispevkov: 3245
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 09:14 Naslov sporočila: |
14 How many degrees are there in the angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock when the time is a quarter past three?
0 stopinj
42 You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you fine the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?
Prvo primerjaš tri kroglice na eno stran vage tri na drugo.
Če je vaga urvnovešena tedaj z drugim vaganjem in primerjavo preostalih dveh še nevaganih kroglic določiš katera je težja.
Če je vaga pri prvem vaganju neuravnotežena tedaj veš na kateri strani je težja kroglica, ki je ena med tremi.
Od teh treh preostlih kroglic vzameš dve v tehtanje (eno na eno stran drugo na drugo), če je vaga uravnotežena je kroglica, ki je nisi vagal rešitev, sicer pa tista na strani vage kjer pokaže da je več.
Tolk za enkrat. |
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Pridružen/-a: 18.03. 2008, 20:14 Prispevkov: 4154
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 12:59 Naslov sporočila: |
tole s kazalci mislim da ne bo drzalo - namrec, v eni uri prepotuje urni kazalec od tri do stiri, se pravi eno dvanajstino oziroma 30 stopinj; torej se mora v 15 minutah premakniti ze za 30*15/60, se pravi za 7.5 stopinj.
Jaz sem se zapicil v tegale:
46 You're the captain of a pirate ship, and your crew gets to vote on how the gold is divided up. If fewer than half of the pirates agree with you, you die. How do you recommend apportioning the gold in such a way that you get a good share of the booty, but still survive?
prvi korak:
ce razdelimo enako, dobi vsak delez=zlato/(posadka+1) -- 1=kapitan
polovica se mora strinjat, torej lahko mirne duse nategnem ostale:
delez bo torej zlato/((posadka/2)+1)
gremo to optimizirat - kot kapitan hocem najvecji mozni delez, da me se ne fentajo - torej moram preostalim ponudit vec, kot bi dobili, ce razdelijo med seboj (brez mene):
torej, polovica mora dobiti (delez1) cisto malo vec, kot bi ce si razdelili med seboj brez mene (delez2): privzemimo, da je zlatonominirano v enakovrednih cekinih:
torej, jaz si lahko vzamem polovico zaklada minus stevilo cekinov, ki ustreza stevilu polovice posadke: tako bo ta polovica dobila delez, ki bi ga sicer, ce bi me fentali in si razdelili, plus en cekin.
Ker potrebujem navadno vecino, to zadostuje. _________________ a fact of life: after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ... |
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Pridružen/-a: 10.11. 2006, 18:49 Prispevkov: 3245
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 13:30 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="enzrovt"]tole s kazalci mislim da ne bo drzalo - namrec, v eni uri prepotuje urni kazalec od tri do stiri, se pravi eno dvanajstino oziroma 30 stopinj; torej se mora v 15 minutah premakniti ze za 30*15/60, se pravi za 7.5 stopinj.
Ja imaš prav. Jaz sem jemal kot da miruje na uri. |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 18:23 Prispevkov: 2108 Kraj: Na toplem
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 13:52 Naslov sporočila: |
Zanimiv je ze prvi.
01 A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?
..... bil je prepozen ....
Jaz vedno vprasam, koliko "speeding tickets" kandidat ima. Kar se naveze naprej koliko milj vozi preko omejitev .... _________________ "History is fables agreed upon." - Francois Voltaire, French philosopher and author, 1694--1778
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Our capitalist civilization knows the price of everything and the value of nothing! .... avtor anonimen |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 18:23 Prispevkov: 2108 Kraj: Na toplem
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 14:05 Naslov sporočila: |
enzrovt je napisal/a: |
tole s kazalci mislim da ne bo drzalo - namrec, v eni uri prepotuje urni kazalec od tri do stiri, se pravi eno dvanajstino oziroma 30 stopinj; torej se mora v 15 minutah premakniti ze za 30*15/60, se pravi za 7.5 stopinj.
Ja imaš prav. Jaz sem jemal kot da miruje na uri. |
Kaj pa ce pomislimo malo drugace?
Odgovor bi lahko bil:
Ne vem. Sem pa siguren, da ta podatek lahko najdem na internetu z uporabo Googla ..... _________________ "History is fables agreed upon." - Francois Voltaire, French philosopher and author, 1694--1778
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Our capitalist civilization knows the price of everything and the value of nothing! .... avtor anonimen |
Nazaj na vrh |
Pridružen/-a: 10.11. 2006, 18:49 Prispevkov: 3245
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 14:21 Naslov sporočila: |
22 If a person dials a sequence of numbers on the telephone, what possible words/strings can be formed from the letters associated with those numbers?
Tipkovnica na telefonu ima 10 različnih števil (0,1,2 do 9) ki so asocirane na 10 različnih črk. Možno šrevilo kombinacij različnih stringov je torej za 10 črkovne besede 10 ! (10 faktoriel).
1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10 = kar pač pride, se mi ne da množiti.
potem imamo še 9 črkovne besede, kjer imamo 9 faktoriel ter vse skupaj krat dva ker nam preostane kombinacija z črko, ki je ostala;
potem 8 črkovne besede krat tri in tako dalje;
do enozložnic ki jih imamo 1! krat 10 iz preostalih črk, kar znese točno 10.
Kolk je vse skupa ne vem. Pa tud roke v ogenj ne dam za moje izvajanje. |
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Pridružen/-a: 18.03. 2008, 20:14 Prispevkov: 4154
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2010 14:24 Naslov sporočila: |
yup, ce das v gugla "clock 3:15 angle" ti koj tapru link ze da odgovor :))
V bistvu je gugl naredu svet tko preklet dolgocasen ... evo lih vceri odkril, da se je streetview prpelal direkt pred mojo bajto (in pred sluzbo je moja koreta parkirana). fak, clovk se nakladat vec ne more _________________ a fact of life: after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ... |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 19:20 Prispevkov: 2810
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 17:16 Naslov sporočila: |
09 Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it's only strong enough to support two people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10 minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?
Iiiiiiiiii, s takimi smo svoj čas kravžljali živčke, ko mi je mladič tekmoval v logiki. Da probam svojo logiko (brez guglanja, majke mi, majke mi)
Obstajajo osebe matt, zho, comp in jani
comp – porabi 1 minuto za prečkanje
matt – porabi 2 minuti za prečkanje
zho – porabi 5 minut za prečkanje
jani - porabi 10 minut za prečkanje
Pobje naredijo strateški načrt, v katerem pride do izraza compova analitična tehnična natura, mattova protestantska vztrajnost, zhojeva sposobnost povezovanja in umirjanja strasti in janijeva sposobnost preživetja v še tako grozljivi situaciji.
Najprej se čez most odpravita comp in matt – porabita dve minuti
Na drugi strani matt prepusti compa temi in se vrne z lampo nazaj - zagoni dodatni dve minuti
na drugi strani ga željno čaka zho, zaprosi matta za lampo in skupaj z janijem prečkata most in tako mine dodatnih 10 minut
ker se je comp naveličal teme (in ga je strah janijevega nakladanja) se z lampo vrne čez most po matta in skuri minutko.
Skupaj s kompanjonom mattom porabita za prehod dve minuti. Tako so vsi lepo spravljeni na pravi strani mostu.
Zdaj pa seštejmo: 2 minuti + 2 minuti + 10 minut + 1 minuta + 2 minuti = 17 minut
Voila! |
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Pridružen/-a: 18.03. 2008, 20:14 Prispevkov: 4154
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 17:46 Naslov sporočila: |
44 You have to get from point A to point B. You don’t know if you can get there. What would you do?
Gres na http://maps.google.com, v naslov vneses B, potrdis izbiro, kliknes "get directions", vneses A, spet potrdis izbiro in pritisnes enter. Ce se da priti do tja, ti bo ze gugl povedal :) _________________ a fact of life: after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ... |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 19:20 Prispevkov: 2810
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 20:05 Naslov sporočila: |
05 Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens?
Slabo zastavljena naloga. Kaj se zgodi? Po moje nič.
Če vsaka ženska ve za vsakega tujega moža, kdaj vara, potem ženskam informacija, da vsaj eden od njih vara, ni neka nova frapantna informacija. Ali kaj |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 19:20 Prispevkov: 2810
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 20:07 Naslov sporočila: |
15 How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?
Kolikšna je prostornina busa in kolikšna žogice? Dejte mi podatke, pa vam izračunam |
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Pridružen/-a: 04.11. 2006, 19:20 Prispevkov: 2810
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 20:17 Naslov sporočila: |
If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is 0.95, what is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default probability)?
To pa zgleda skoraj prelahko, saj je navaden sklepni račun. A se skriva kak keč?
31,66 % |
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mala malca
Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 04:56 Prispevkov: 17767
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 20:45 Naslov sporočila: |
osat je napisal/a: |
Zanimiv je ze prvi.
01 A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?
..... bil je prepozen ....
Jaz vedno vprasam, koliko "speeding tickets" kandidat ima. Kar se naveze naprej koliko milj vozi preko omejitev .... |
dej ne jamri o speeding tickets,sem zadnč gledu kako je od withney exporivač dubu 1300$ za večkratno pijano vožnjo..pha.. _________________ Hja,prjatu,če bi ti jaz povedu kako je v Rusiji ,bi bil ti na drugi strani,bi bili naš sovražnik,te sedaj ne bi bilo...
Ivan Maček - Matija |
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mala malca
Pridružen/-a: 07.11. 2006, 04:56 Prispevkov: 17767
Objavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 20:51 Naslov sporočila: |
enzrovt je napisal/a: |
yup, ce das v gugla "clock 3:15 angle" ti koj tapru link ze da odgovor :))
V bistvu je gugl naredu svet tko preklet dolgocasen ... evo lih vceri odkril, da se je streetview prpelal direkt pred mojo bajto (in pred sluzbo je moja koreta parkirana). fak, clovk se nakladat vec ne more |
iiii,a pol te bomo loh opazaval kdaj in kolk nažgan se boš prklatu damu?
jz bi te pizdarije in podobne ideje prepovedu s smrtno kaznijo.. _________________ Hja,prjatu,če bi ti jaz povedu kako je v Rusiji ,bi bil ti na drugi strani,bi bili naš sovražnik,te sedaj ne bi bilo...
Ivan Maček - Matija |
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Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu